Humano Urbane Mreze
Primenjujemo holisticki model za individualni razvoj , socijalnu integraciju i duhovni rast.
Radeci sa psihom cilj nam je da objedinimo telesno , psiholosko i duhovno, odnosno, da sjedinimo tri najvaznija faktora koja formiraju pojedinca: osecanja , misli i dela.
Transakciona analiza (TA) terapeutska
interakcija , transfer, kontratransfer , reevaluacija slabog i jakog , struktura odnosa iz ranog detinjstva i transpersonalne
tehnike , interakcija I biositeza u sredistu su nase prakse i istrazivanja.
Tim Human Urban Net & Tim Psihosocijalnog Savetovalista bavi se edukativnim radom
A)Seminari àTeorijski rad & Radionicarski rad
Edukativne radionice à jednodnevne , dvodnevne
Selektovanje polaznika za“Psihosocijalno savetovanje podrazumeva
-prijavu sa generalijama &kratkim opisom najbitnijih aktivnosti ,
-dokaze o poslednjoj akademskoj diplomi ,
-trening sertifikati (ako ih ima) ,
-preporuku profesionalaca
prijave , kratak CV (dve A4 strane) , kopija poslednje diplome, sertifikat/i
mogu biti prosledjeni putem e-maila ili putem pisma .
contact :
B) Seminari , Trening – radionice za osnazivanje I podrsku timova, nevladinih organizacija(NVO), neprofitnih
organizacija(NPO), privrednih organizacija, malih,srednjih preduzeca
Trening za trenere , konsultante
pristup timskom radu”,
interpersonalna komunikacija ,efikasniji tim
“Losi lideri stvaraju sledbenike.
Snazni lideri stvaraju
lidere “

Instinctual laws of self-preservation
What is the ego, and where does it come
from? If you look up the work ego in the dictionary, you find that the first reference is to "I" or to the
"self" as contrasted to the rest of the world. Sigmund Freud popularized the term as a reference to a specific part of the self that
played mediator to id and superego. I am using the term with respect to its original literal intent, purely as a reference
to a sense of self. That being said, we all have a sense of self - we all have an ego sense of self. Within the syntax of the title of my book there is an embedded question, and an implied answer
- Why [do] Good People Make Bad Choices?
This book has an answer to that question, as stated.
The reason that good people make bad choices
is generally related to ego. How is your ego formed? It is initially formed over a period of time in your first decade of
life according to your interaction with your environment. For example, when a person is exposed to a dangerous or abusive
environment, then they will respond to that environment according to certain instinctual laws of self-preservation. Many latter
life choices will then reflect those well-established tendencies. Good people make bad choices because on some level they
are making choices according to these laws of self-preservation.
I refer to these laws collectively as, The ego's agenda and they are: 1) Minimize physical and emotional pain, 2) Maximize
physical and emotional gratification, 3) Establish and maintain external power and control, and 4) Establish and maintain
the ego-ideal. To get a better sense of the power of the ego's agenda in your life, it is simply a matter of looking at most
any unwanted behavior, unwanted thinking, or unwanted feelings through the eyes
of the ego's agenda. In other words, "How does _______ (behavior, thought, feeling) minimize my emotional pain or stress?
How does _______ maximize my gratification? How does ______ establish or maintain my power or control over people or
places? How does _______ establish an ego-based ideal situation, or bring about my own ego-based idealization?" The unwanted
item may or may not fit all areas. However, sometimes one “hit” may be enough to make sense of why it is
Edukacija Tavistock |

a large and diverse institution of higher learning created to educate for life and for a profession |
Psihoanaliticki Jungianski
Namerno ne navodimo ključeve ka testovima za određivanje sociopsiholoskih
tipova. Jer, čovek je sposoban da prevari čak i najpametniji test, pogotovo ako je postavio takav cilj. Postoji
mnogo testova za određivanje tipova prema klasifikaciji K. G. Junga (na primjer, veoma popularni test Keirsey).
Međutim, rezultat takvih testova se ponekad ipak malo razlikuje od onog tipa koji čovek smatra svojim
(na primer, rezultat testa je ESTJ, ali čovek sebe smatra ESTP).
Najčešce nećete imati mogućnost da ponudite test
Vašim poznanicima ili kolegama – naprosto posmatracete ih sa strane ili razgovaraćete s njima u slobodnoj
formi. Međutim, čak i u ovom slučaju može da se izvuce preliminaran zaključak o tipu čoveka.
Dole su opisani opsti principi dijagnostike prema njegovom ponašanju, govoru i t. d. Razume se, čak pročitavši
ove materijale, teško da ćete moći profesionalno da dijagnosticirate tipove. Ali ipak ćete steći
opstu predstavu o tome što leži u osnovi sociopsholoskih tipova, i možda tokom vremena naći dodatne informacije
u literaturi iz psihodijagnostike.
Ako poznajete američku tipologiju Myers-Briggs (MBTI): obratite
pažnju da se tumačenje svih 4 znakova, pogotovo J/P, nešto razlikuje od prihvaćenog u MBTI.
Kao čisti znak označava linearnost (J) /cikličnost
(P). Njegove pojave po nivoima će biti sledeće.
1.1. Intelektualni aspekt: govor/vid. Koliko
vezan govor ima čovek, kada iznosi svoje misli na složenu intelektualnu temu. Je li imao nekih govornih poremećaja
u detinjstvu (na primjer, mucanje, nejasna dikcija) i da li je uspeo brzo prevladati ih? (J – stremljenje
ka strukturiranju govora, ka složenim gramatičkim konstrukcijama).
1.2. Socijalni aspekt: surova/blaga pravila.
Uporediti, ako je čovjek imao takvo iskustvo, kako se odvijao rad u privatnoj komercijalnoj firmi i u državnoj instituciji.
Kakav mu je odnos prema fleksibilnom rasporedu? (J – stremljenje ka razrađenim procedurama, čiji je krajnji
oblik dogmatizam, razdraženje prilikom udaljavanja od uobičajenog poretka stvari; P – gipkost, čiji
je krajnji oblik neobaveznost, filozofija „nisi stigao danas – slična će se prilika ukazati sutra“).
1.3. Psihološki aspekt: niska (J) /visoka
(P) otpornost prema stresu. Koliko čovek cijeni uspostavljene odnose. Racionalac daje prednost jednom stabilnom partneru
pred jednim prijatnim, ali nepouzdanim, čak ako odnosi sa onim prvim nisu baš najbolji. Iracionalac je daleko otporniji
na stres u odnosima. Bez naročitih problema menjaće ih dok ne nađe najbolje.
1.4. Fizički aspekt: stisnutost/opuštenost
tela i organa. J – stabilnost ili trajnost stanja, P – relativna lakoća prelaska iz stanja u stanje.
Treba razjasniti kako se čovek opušta, što mu treba za opuštanje napetosti. S druge strane, korisno
je saznati koliko brzo se on vraća u formu. Mnogo toga mogu razjasniti informacije o tome kako i u kojoj pozi on spava.
Kao čisti znak označava otvorenost/zatvorenost. U
informacijama prikupljenim tokom intervjua obraćajte pažnju na sljedeće podatke:
2.1. Intelektualni aspekt: široko (E) /duboko
(I) mišljenje. Koliko je širok krug interesovanja čoveka? Koliko brzo pamti/seća se informacija? Je
li govorljiv? Ako piše nešto, koliko stranica teksta je u stanju da napise odjednom? (u najopstijem smislu, E
– težnja „obuhvatiti neobuhvatljivo“, I – stremljenje ka stabilizaciji, izbjegavanje suvišnih
2.2. Socijalni aspekt: lider (E) / izvršilac
(I). Da li ima iskustvo rada na rukovodećem mestu? Da li je čovek bio lider među svojim vršnjacima?
Da li ima želju da predvodi jedan veliki kolektiv? Ko je stvarni lider u njegovoj porodici? (E, pošto je
inicijativniji, češće postaje neformalni lider, ali u stabilnim institucijama među menadžerima neretko
prevladavaju - I).
2.3. Psihološki aspekt: razumevanje drugih
(E) /sebe (I). Da li se neki od vaših postupaka vama čine nerazumljivim? Da li kod vas nastaju stanja unutrašnje
praznine? Šta radite ako morate dugo da ostatanete u samoći? (E- vole „da misle naglas“, imaju potrebu
za sagovornicima za „punjenje“, bez njihove procene vrednost vlastitih aktivnosti nije toliko očigledna;
I- se umaraju od brojnih kontakata, teže malobrojnim ustaljenim kontaktima).

Lady in Green |
2000-2006, Dealing with: the Challenge of Digital Culture focuses on crucial issues and questions concerning “Games” and their position in Digital Culture,
studied from the ‘Observers' as well as from the ‘Players' point of view.
In First class Area:
-- the
Socio-Political, Psychological, Cognitive and ð Philosophical aspects of Game
are analyzed ;
In Second class Area:
ð the influences
of Game in Art and the Game as 21st century's New Art are studied ;
Researching “for ever” or “for
good”, cutting from international art and technology
Festival gaming realities (September 27 - October 1, 2006)
- The borders
between Games and Reality
when Games influence Reality
a. the World
of Game ð Real Games
and Virtual Life _ Net-Games and Virtual Communities:
a utopian space _ Social
and Anti-Social games _ MUDs and Net-Individualism _ Game and Communication Utopia _ Collective and Individual representation of the World through the Game
b. the Identity
of the Player - the Identity of the Digital World Citizen _ The Embodiment and Dis-Embodiment
of the Player and the Game _ Virtual Bodies, Games and Gender _ What avatars do we choose and what avatars do we create (or they create for us) _ Games and Identity _ The Essence of Play and the
Psychology of the Player
c. Serious Games _ Game Politics and politic propaganda in Games
_ Simulation
and Game environments for learning and training _ Scientific and Military Games _ Freedom, Choice and Censorship in Games _ Games and Cognitive Sciences
AREA of Exploration :
Game in Art and Art of Game (Game as 21st century's New Art)
a. Game as a new field for artistic expression _
Game based artworks _ Art criticizing Games _ The Integration of Game in Art _ The Aesthetics
of the New Media and "art games" _ 'Commercial' Game as Art
b. Interactive Narratives and Multi-scenarios: the New Storytelling _
Audiovisual and Narrative aspects of Games _ Linear and non-linear narratives in art games,
and in commercial Games _
Multi-scenario strategies _ From image to text and from text to image _ Responsive Play
c. Game Aesthetics: the emergence of a New
Art _ Game as a New Form of Art and
the new Aesthetics of Digital Games _ Artistic expression
through Game _ Aesthetics of New Interactive Media _ Aesthetics of
Multi-centric Narratives

Executive: Evica Busarac
~ Paris – 1980 – 1990 studied French language, social
phenomena and sociology of civilization.
~ Paris - 1988. Achieved M.A. Sociology of Civilization,
“Segregation, Deconstruction of suburban groups”, Sorbonne, Paris, Humanistic Studies
~ Position at consultative company & humanitarian foundation
" Loma Medical” and LOMA Foundation
~ Position on advancing access in treatment of persons with
special psychological needs and elderly.
~ Within LOMA trained on theory of Personal Constructs approach,
~ Explored the social psychopathology and in suburban and
marginally segregation.
~ Obtained the highest certificate for French language for
‘Allience’ methodology;
~ Studies for Master Degree in Foreign Commerce of Economic
faculty at Belgrade organization (two semester, dept. Foreign commerce)
~ Position at Hyatt Regency Belgrade,strategy for equipment
& supplying, at the time
~ Within Hyatt Co.
Certificated as consultative for human resources
~ Member of ITAA, International Transactional Analysis Association,
~ Member of Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo
Alto, Ca, USA
Phenomena on Balkan region
o Cooperating on issue of cultural policies, as well as project “Cultural Policy and Culture strategy”,
after October the 5, 2000; helping, collecting and preparing documentation for Board for Culture and Information of Serbian
o Round table “Mass Culture and New Cultural Strategy”
o Round table - "Kitsch and Elite Culture", participants PhD. Eric Gordy, cult urologist, Clark University US; V. Krnjaski, ULUS;
PhD. B. Stojkovic, Culturologist, Professor on Political Science;
o Organize many others conferences, tribines
and public events, on issue of Cultural Phenomena and policy of Transition.
o "Globalization
and Current Political Situation, Sociologist, PhD. Vesna Pesic, Her Excellency Ambassador, Mexico, South America, lecture
and discussion – 2002. (Tapes in archives of B92 and “Studio B TV”)
o “As seen, as told", Media Center, April, 16th 2002; Presentation of the publication and report of ODIHR;
debates participants: G.Studman, Ambassador and High Commissioner, Claudia Mozer; Highlight –on Missing persons Mr.D.Mihailovic,
N. Covic, R.Trajković, Keljmendi and other significant participants. Full translation of transcript, full report and
sociological analysis.
o "Women
in Politics" project by D66 (International Foundation for Democratic Initiative, Netherlands); diploma - certificated
for advancing gender issue and gender equality in political participation;
o Project officer “Economic and
political power of women in a transition”, NDI
o Possess specialization in “Psychosocial
Counseling for trauma” on IOM PTRS; Project “Post-traumatic responses in Serbia”
o A professional Certificate of Tavistock
Clinick Essex UK and Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade, Serbia.
o Founder of Human Urban Net org. dedicated
on restoration and promotion the best way for overcoming transitional problems in society, as well as Psychosocial counseling
for trauma
Throughout various project of Human Urban Net research
and explore phenomena of Serbian
Working on, planning & objective:
q Work on establishing “Eva Socio Transpersonal ”
specific curricula for education and training for social, psychosocial psychological help and support in critical situations
in various types of culture.
q Work on education NGO’s senior staff for NGO working
on vulnerability issue, and NGO needy population.
q APEX Achieving Personal Excellence, basic and advance level
q Educational programs and workshops that encourage human
values and give tools for stress-free living geared toward different sections of society.
Programs aimed at youth include value-based education and leadership training. These programs enable person to relate
with others more freely and help them develop friendliness, freedom from inhibitions, and a free flow of communication
Dr EDUARD A. DAJČ lekar, hirurg (spec. anest. i
rean.), pisac
istoričar (prirodnih) nauka, dramski pisac, rodjen je u Beogradu .
Ipsipila, Sedmorica (vojskovodja) protiv Tebe, Antigona na Kolhidi, Plava kniga o srpskom pitanju (sa dr Vladanom Đordjevićem),
Bela knjiga o srpskom pitanju (takodje sa Vladanom), Postanak kontinenata i okeana, Trojanska trilogija, Crvena knjiga o srpskom
pitanju ili Propadanje i vaskrs srpskih liberala.
igre: Sonestiana, Belerofont...
Herojski heksabiblon (8.500 stihova), Herojski dodekabiblon(7.500 stihova)...
i rekonstrukcije: Homerova Odiseja (12.500 stihova),
Ipsipila (1.800 stihova), Kazantzakisova vežbanka...
nauke: Erazistrat sa Samosa – antički Harvej, Alkmeon iz Krotona – otac naučne medicine...
Gradjanska trilogija, Roman o grašku.
Evica Busarac -
Analysis of Suffering for ‘Home’, NOSTALGIA
Approximately 750 000 to one million Internally
replaces people in Serbia live a difficult lifes . They are called sometimes Serbian refugees from Bosnia, refugees from Croatia
and refugees from Kosovo and Metohia .
Is any refugee was leaving the home voluntary or involuntary. Is One
left Home by free will or not?
Renos Papandopoulos calls the feeling ‘Nostalgic
disorientation’ and ‘mosaic substratum of identity’. Why? Where and when we, you, they feel nostalgic?
Is it possible to confirm ethnic or national
identity without claiming a recoverable history, which supports a fixed identity?
What alternatives are there to cementing identity
in essential certainty? Is identity fluid or changing and can such an understanding of them sustain political commitment?
These questions address the tensions between
social constructionist and essentialist conception of identity.
Wars, crises of former Yugoslavia can be observed
through the power of representation and how and why some meanings are preferred?
All signifying practices that produce meaning
involve relations of power, including the power to define who is included and who is excluded. Who is good gay, who is bad
gay ? Bias?
Culture shapes identity though giving meaning
to psychological experience.
Nostalgia, in fact, may depend precisely on
the irrecoverable nature of the past for its emotional impact and appeal. It is the very pastness of the past, its inaccessibility,
that likely accounts for a large part of nostalgia's power--for both conservatives and radicals alike. This is rarely the
past as actually experienced, of course; it is the past as imagined, as idealized through memory and desire. The simple, pure,
ordered, easy, beautiful, or harmonious past is constructed and then experienced emotionally in conjunction with the present--which,
in turn, is constructed as complicated, contaminated, anarchic, difficult, ugly, and confrontational.
Nostalgic distancing sanitizes as it selects,
making the past feel complete, stable, coherent, safe from "the unexpected and the untoward, from accident or betrayal"
in other words, making it so very unlike the present.
The aesthetics of nostalgia might, therefore,
be less a matter of simple memory than of complex projection; the invocation of a partial, idealized history merges with dissatisfaction
with the present. And it can do so with great force!
LECTURER for TRAUMA Issue in Belgrade 2004.
Institute for Menthale Health
Tavistock Clinic , Chapter in the book
Therapeutic Care for Refugees. “No Place Like Home”
Edited by Renos K. Papadopoulos
Tavistock Clinic Series
London: Karnac, 2002.
Returning to T. E. Lawrence, we may wonder whether his own turbulent and
homeless life was connected with his choice of the word ‘home’ instead of ‘land’. Lawrence had no
land of his own – either in terms of owning a house (at the time of writing this translation) or in terms of feeling
strongly connected with one country. Born in Ireland, grown up in England and committed to Arabia, he did not have any land
but, evidently, had a strong yearning for a home. It may be more of a passing interest to note that T. E. Lawrence (then called
T. E. Shaw [1932]) began translating ‘The Odyssey’ while in military service in Afghanistan in 1928.
Taking this theme further, we note that Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) renders
the same verses as follows:
‘To see the smoke from his loved palace
While the dear isle in distant prospect rise,
With what contentment could he close his eyes!’
Pope, settled in his genteel villa in Twickenham, understands gaia as palace and gives
the yearning for home a distinct romantic character, inventing even a ‘contentment’ in Odysseus. Evidently, for
Pope, the pursuit of home could not have had the dramatic and gutsy feel that T.E. Lawrence gave it.
is interesting to consider three additional translations which are closer to the original Greek with reference to their rendering
of gaia. Rieu (1946) renders these verses as
‘and Odysseus, who would give anything
for the mere sight of the smoke rising up from his own land, can only yearn for death’,
[ Fagles (1996) as]
‘But he, straining
for no more than a glimpse
of hearth-smoke drifting up from his own land,
Odysseus longs to die …’
[and Lombardo (2000) as]
‘But Odysseus, Longing to see even the smoke curling up
From his land, simply
wants to die’.
Although all three translations are closer to the
Homeric original in so far as they all use ‘land’ for gaia, still they differ in the overall feel they give to
this important passage. These discrepancies and idiosyncratic renderings of home reflect the inevitably unique, distinctive
and personal approach to the nostalgic yearning for home that the refugees have. Each person experiences and expresses his
or her state of homelessness in a highly personalized way which then is understood and rendered differently and equally idiosyncratically
(i.e. closely related to their own personal, professional, socio-economic and historic-cultural contexts) by all those who
attempt to understand the needs of that particular refugee.
Moreover, using this Homeric passage, it could
be said that home is constituted by two opposites: a most tangible and grounded element, the earth, the land, and the most
tangible image of an intangible form of home – smoke. This powerful combination of the tangible and intangible, concrete
and ethereal, physical and imaginary, inflexible / immovable and flexible / mobile, substantial and indefinable make the image
of home a most potent and resilient cluster of psychological dynamics.
with the Odyssey, it is worth making another relevant observation (Papadopoulos 1987). The logical sequence of the poem would
be that Odysseus arrives home, to the island of Ithaca, at the end of the poem. Yet there is something very curious in the
structure of the poem, which consists of 24 chapters (called ‘books’). Homer has Odysseus arriving in Ithaca right
in the center of the epic. At the very beginning of book 13 Odysseus finally arrives home. Or does he? He certainly arrives
on the shores of Ithaca but he is not even aware where he is. He does not recognize his ‘home’ to begin with.
So, whereas objectively, he had reached home, in effect he was not yet at home. This magnificent irony should not be forgotten.
It is as if Homer keeps pressing us with painful questions as to how to define home.
then happens in the second half of ‘The Odyssey’ if Odysseus is already home? Evidently, his physical arrival
in Ithaca does not end his odyssey, and does not amount to homecoming because not only does he not recognize his homeland
but also nobody recognizes him, either. Home, therefore, cannot be experienced without mutual recognition. Moreover, most
importantly, once physically at home, Odysseus had to feel at home. Even after he understood that he had finally landed on
his beloved homeland, he still did not arrive home. He had to re-encounter and re-connect with all members of his family,
enter his palace, fight the suitors, and regain his royal position. ‘Homecoming is not only about external arrivals
and the creation of established homes defined by legal contracts and delineated by geographical boundaries’ (Papadopoulos
1987, p.15). Homecoming is also about the re-establishment of all meaningful connections within one’s own family and
own self. These re-connections cannot be taken for granted and are, by no means, easy. Homer makes this point very clearly
in so far as it takes another odyssey for Odysseus to re-establish himself in his own home. Odysseus does not slip back into
the position, place, role and identity he had left behind, but he has to fight ferociously if not even more so than when on
his way to Ithaca. Homecoming is not just a retrospective exercise but also includes a prospective direction. Thus, Homer
demonstrates most eloquently that the complete odyssey is not about regression, a passive return to the past, but it includes
the totality of the duality of meanings of home - the return and a reintegration, the going back and arrival as well as the
achievement of future goals. Moreover, he leads us to experience that the second phase of homecoming can be even more hazardous
than the first one. Psychologically, it is subtler and trickier to re-connect with one’s own family members and to risk
losing everything, after all the heroic efforts to arrive home in the first place.
Homer, it could be argued that we could distinguish two kinds of successive moments in the homecoming process: the first is
about external dimensions, about the physical arrival where navigation skills, diplomacy, strength, persistence are required
to negotiate the external dangers and obstacles. The second moment is of a more internal and psychological nature, requiring
more internal resources, stamina, containment, insightfulness and resilience. If the first is about arriving home, the second
is about reconnecting with one’s sense of self and accessing the dismembered parts of one’s personality.
Refugees, home and trauma1, Reno’s K.
Choose and Cutting by Human Urban Net:
1975 a primitive “mind reading machine” was tested at the Stanford Research Institute. The machine is a computer
which can recognize a limited amount of words by monitoring a person’s silent
thoughts. This technique relies upon the discovery that brain wave tracings taken with an electroencephalograph (EEG)
show distinctive patterns that correlate with individual words—whether the words are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized
(thought of).
The computer initially used audio equipment to listen to the words the subject spoke. (At first the vocabulary was
limited to “up,” “down,” “left,” and “right.”) At the same time the computer
heard the words, it monitored the EEG impulses coming from electrodes pasted to the subject’s head and responded by
turning a camera in the direction indicated. After a few repetitions of the procedure, the computer’s hearing was turned
off and it responded solely to the EEG “thoughts.” It moved a television camera in the directions ordered by the
subject’s thoughts alone! ... [p. 258]
While Dr. Reed conceded that it was “conceivable that thoughts could be injected” into a person’s
mind by the government, he indicated that he did not believe it had already been done. ...
Typically, the scientists have not been vigilant enough, for the cryptocracy already has developed remote-controlled
men who can be used for political assassination and other dangerous work, ..
In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book ... [Were We Controlled? presented] a sophisticated
technique known as RHIC—EDOM ... Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control—Electronic Dissolution of Memory. ...
“Under RHIC, a ‘sleeper’ can be used years later with no realization that the ‘sleeper’
is even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he will have no memory of ever having carried out. In a manipulated
kind of kamikaze operation where the life of the ‘sleeper’ is dispensable, RHIC processing makes him particularly
valuable because if he is detected and caught before he performs the act specified . . . nothing he says will implicate the
group or government which processed and controlled him.” ...
... according to Lawrence, ... during the operation a small electrode was implanted inside ... [the person’s]
mastoid sinus. The electrode responded to a radio signal which would make audible, inside ... [the person’s] head, certain
electronic commands to which he had already been posthypnotically conditioned to respond. ...
In 1975 the RHIC-EDOM story surfaced again. ... The journalist, James L. Moore, said that the papers in his possession
described the details of “a military technique of mind-control called Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control—Electronic
Dissolution of Memory.” ...(Bljesak,Oluja)
According to Moore, in the initial (RHIC) stage of programming the ... [person]
is put into a deep hypnotic trance, and conditioned to go intro trance at the sound of a specific tone. “A person may
be placed under this control with or without his knowledge, programmed to perform certain actions and maintain certain attitudes”
whenever he hears the tone. ...
The second part of the process, electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM),
Moore said, “... By electronically jamming the brain, acetylcholine creates static which blocks out sights and sounds.
You would then have no memory of what you saw or heard; your mind would be a blank.” ...
The claims of James L. Moore would sound fantastic were it not for the abundance of information to support the possibility
of their validity. .
The cryptocracy has gone to absurd lengths to develop remote-controlled beings. Victor Marchetti revealed that the
CIA had once tried to create a cyborg cat. He said that the Agency wired a live feline for sound in an attempt to use the
pet for eavesdropping purposes. The cat was first altered electronically so that it would function as a listening device in
areas where potential enemy agents would be discussing covert plots..
After the electronic feline was at last ready for its assignment, it was turned loose on the street and was followed
by a CIA support van loaded with electronic monitoring gear. ..
cryptocracy has used mind control for the past thirty years. It has used it on its own agents and employees, on enemies and
friends alike. It has used it on thousands of Americans without their knowledge or consent. The CIA has programmed assassins
and couriers by it. The CIA has even openly confessed to its conspiracy of mind control.
people will believe that since the CIA has publicly disclosed its interest in mind control, it has now ceased its activities.
The earlier CIA records, however, contain a number of termination dates for aspects of Operation Mind Control, yet evidence
clearly suggests that it continued past those dates.
In 1975, following the release of the Rockefeller Commission Report and the subsequent investigations by Senator Church’s
and Congressman Pike’s committees, a public accounting was given and apologies were made. The intelligence community
was reprimanded and small changes made. ... [p. 275]
Recent history documents the fact that the CIA, as the whipping boy of the cryptocracy, covers up and routinely lies
about its activities, heaping one lie on another, in a labyrinthine network of falsehood. It stretches credibility to believe,
therefore, that the CIA and especially lower-profile members of the cryptocracy have terminated the mind-control research
and development that has been going on for thirty years. ... If it has ceased, it has ceased only because it is obsolete and
the new technology of radiation and electronic brain stimulation has given the cryptocracy a more powerful form of control. ...
[p. 276]
advancements in electronic technology—increasingly sophisticated microphones, transmitters, and surveillance devices—the
erosion of privacy becomes a mudslide. ... [p. 280]
Mind control remains above United States law, making it a most attractive tool for clandestine operators. [p. 281]
BY Qafeel Shafai:
Be Diferent but
the ZEST all is ONE ...
DIFFERENT are their
But the COLOUR
of their BLOOD IS ONE ."
By Qateel Shafai:"Every HUMAN Person may be |

Different but the ZEST in them all is ONE..... |