Humano urbana mreza

Transactional Analysis TA

Presentation of HumanUrbanNet
Psychosocial ISSUE

Beograd ,Srbija ;mart 2007








Deinsistucionalizacija ustanova koje se bave mentalnim zdravljem je dobro osmišljena I dobro započeta . Za nas deinstitucionalizacija već više godina predstavlja modifikaciju paradigme lečenja & isceljenja odnosno modifikaciju naučnosti psihijatrije, neuropsihijatrije, psihološkog savetovanja i psihoterapije, socijalnih službi i Savetovališta za brak i porodicu.

Deinstinstunalizacija kroz institucije. Drugaćiji , inovativni pogled na celovitost čoveka .


Svi neuspesi jednog određenog tipa deinstitucionalizacije koji su bivali sprovođeni delimično ili u pokušaju bili su na dobrom putu ka realizaciji , a  zasnivali su se na činjenici da su se na određeni način preoblikovale organizacije službi za mentalno zdravlje; mi smatramo da se nije korenito  promenila kultura psihijatrije kao nauke , kao ni sam epistemološki model psihijatrijskog sagledavanja čoveka .


Racionalitička paradigma : problem -  rešenje u psihijatriji ne funkcioniše. Složenost psihijatrijskog objekta nije moguće razrešiti uzročno-posledičnom analizom. Jedna kauzalna analiza ne može biti od prevelike koristi .

To mora biti  analiza mogućnosti I verovatnoće .


Human Urban Net zagovara emancipaciju : radnika službi i korisnika službi . Emancipacija se kreće između deinstitucionalizacije u kome se danas kreće terapeutski rad , a u kome se izgrađuju nove pozicije I nove perspektive . Mi smatramo da  lečiti  znači angažovati se sada I ovde za preobražavanje načina života kako bi se mogle čuti I problematizovati patnje čoveka. Lečenje u novom ruhu znači kontinuitet rada na sebi I kretanje prema sopstvenoj autonomiji. Znači I preuzimanje sopstevne odluke I života samog , zajedno sa podrazumevajućim nesigurnostima.


Mi stojimo na tragu potpuno drugačije deinstitucionalizacije . Potrebna je možda I hrabrost  sagledati da neke institucije ljude I dalje  seckaju na komade, uz svo propratno mumificiranje životnosti , totalizaciju ličnosti .

Danas, stvari se kreću dobrim tokom u nameri. Ne možemo ne priznati , ne videti da Ministarstvo Zdravlja učinilo  značajne pomake .

Ipak podsećamo na važne reči , izrečene još 1986. u Sevilji, a deo su izlaganja Profesora  Galimbertija :

Lekarski pregled ne predstavlja susret sa bolesnikom već sa njegovom bolešću , a na njegovom telu ne čita se biologija već patologija. Tim činom subjektivitet pacijenta nestaje u objektivitetu simptomatskih znakova.


Stari medicinski model još tada je stavljen pod sumnju . Danas, on je oslobođen omnipotentnosti , obogaćen je , izmenjenog lica, preimenovan, destigmatizovan .

Mentalno zdravlje nije više samo deo lanca koji uključuje simptome i/ili dijagnoze, već se usredsređuje na emancipaciju , na izumljivanje zdravlja  po Galimbertiju .

Ne postoji više jedno zdravlja već mnogo zdravlja .


Professional Org.:Human Urban Net ,

Tim­­­­­: PsyTrace Psihosocijalni Trauma Studio    


 Srbija  2005, 2006.


      Humano Urbana mreza je prihvatila psihoterapijski propodeutikum Transakcione Analize .

TA modalitet je teorija licnosti i teorija komunikacije koju je krajem   pedesetih godina ustanovio Erik Bern (Eric Berne). To je sistemska  psihoterapija koja se koristi u individualnom , grupnom i porodicnom tretmanu. Trenutno postoje cetiri grupe tehnika i cetiri  specijalizacije u okviru TA: Psihoterapija, Savetovanje, Edukacija i Menadzment.

      Supervizor edukacija je Zoran Milivojevic,,dipl.TA psihoterapeut , stalni edukator i supervizor ITAA , sa statusom TSTA , "Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst",  što je najviši status edukatora i supervizora za TA u Istočnoj Evropi i na Balkanu.

Naglasili bi  doprinos dr. Zorana Milivojevića  u boljem sagledavanju analizi emocija i partnerskih odnosa .

Autor je  nekoliko knjiga i koautor više udžbenika iz psihijatrije i psihoterapije .

Uspevajuci  da premosti granice i izolaciju  Srbije , on uspešno organizuje edukativne naučne seminare uz podršku  grupe asistenata i time promovise na najbolji nacin transakcionu analizu i psihoterapiju  u Srbiji . 


Humano Urbana mreza - Psihosocijalno savetovaliste , Beograd



ITAA International Transactional Analysis Assocition Psychotherapists & Counselors Organizational Consultants & Educational Consultants TA Trainers GLOBAL NETWORKING , PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & SCIENIFIC DISCOVERY

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Kako jedan TA terapeut vidi proces psihoterapije


So,  What Do You Do To Help Me,  Mr. Therapist?


Gregory J. Boyce, Psychotherapist


First, here's few topics/subjects that keep walking through my office door.

Life style challenges: weight loss, smoking, changing careers/jobs, starting new projects.


Paranoia, Phobias, Anxieties, Fears, Obsessions, Compulsions

Guilt, Blaming, Shame, Anger, Hate

Depression, Hopelessness

Relationship issues

Self Esteem



So if you see yourself on this list, I'm experienced and skilled enough to offer some help. I do in-person sessions . Sessions are 50 minutes.


Techniques, What techniques: Most of my clients don't know, don't care, and don't ask what techniques I'm using or why. They only care if they see results in themselves this week compared to last week according to their goals. When you take your car into the garage for a tune-up do you care what computer the guy is using to tune your ignition?

Yes Techniques: If you want the details, read the sections on TA, Cognitive Therapy, Re-Decision Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique because that's what I use. I mix and match as I deem appropriate, plus I invite clients to do Mission Possibles (homework). I see a person for an hour out of 168 in their week so they need to do stuff outside the session.

The First Session or Test Drive A Psychotherapist: You tell me why you're talking to me. I take notes and ask questions. Then I tell you a bit about myself and the techniques. I give an overview of what you've told me from a TA and/or CBT perspective and describe a treatment plan you could consider. Then I ask if you'd like to do that, and book another session. If so I invite you to think about and write down the specific changes (ie. therapeutic goals) you want to make. That's your first mission possible.

The Second Session: This is devoted to clarifying your goals - Therapy Goals or a Contract for Change. And if time permits, we start on goal number one.

Normal Sessions: Each session starts with setting an agenda for the hour. We review missions (homework), attend to anything immediate that's troubling you and/or proceed with your goals. At the end I suggest another Mission (homework), and ask for any comments you have about the session.

Final Session: We talk about on-going support, back-up plans, and how you can celebrate what you've achieved.


Kompletan Tekst mozete pronaci na Web-site ITAA

Transactional analysis is a powerful tool to bring about human well being. In psychotherapy, transactional analysis utilizes a contract for specific changes desired by the client and involves the "Adult" in both the client and the clinician to sort out behaviors, emotions and thoughts that prevent the development of full human potential. Transactional analysts intervene as they work with clients in a safe, protective, mutually respectful-OK/OK--- environment to eliminate dysfunctional behaviors and establish and reinforce positive relationship styles and healthy functioning. Transactional analysts are able to use the many tools of psychotherapy, ranging from psychodynamic to cognitive behavioral methods in effective and potent ways. Examples of transactional analysis psychotherapy can bee seen in our Master Therapists series, the Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson Couples Therapy .


Counselors who utilize transactional analysis work contractually on solving "here and now" problems. Counseling work focuses on creating productive problem solving behaviors. Using transactional analysis, counselor's establish an egalitarian, safe and mutually respectful working relationship with their clients. This working relationship provides tools clients can utilize in their day-to-day functions to improve the quality of their lives.


Transactional Analysis is a practical educational psychology that offers a way of transforming educational philosophy and principles into everyday practice. TA concepts provide a flexible and creative approach to understanding how people function and to the connections between human behaviour, learning and education. Teaching them to both teachers and students is a process of empowerment, enhancing effective methods of interaction and mutual recognition.

Educational TA is both preventive and restorative. TA concepts are developed and used with people of all ages and stages of development in their various social settings. The aim is to increase personal autonomy, to support people in developing their own personal and professional philosophies and to enable optimum psychological health and growth.

The key philosophical concepts that underpin Educational TA are:

  • Effective educators offer empathic acceptance of all human beings as people together with respect for their dignity. These qualities are at the heart of successful learning relationships.
  • People at any age and stage can learn to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.
  • Educational difficulties can be addressed effectively with co-operative goodwill and a coherent theoretical framework that makes sense of the human dynamics involved.

The process of educational TA is contractual, so that all parties know where they stand, and what agreements have been made for what purposes. Throughout the process the ideas and methods of TA are used openly to promote informed co-operation and the sharing of power between all parties.

TA can be used to address important issues in:

  • initial and continuing teacher education
  • institutional climate and culture
  • developmental and educational needs
  • self esteem building
  • parent education
  • student motivation
  • staff morale and teacher well-being
  • blocks to learning and teaching
  • behaviour management

Above all educational TA is invaluable in helping people to thrive and in promoting healthy and effective learning in a wide variety of contexts.


Transactional Analysis is a powerful tool in the hands of organizational development specialists. Through presenting the basic concepts of transactional analysis and using it as the basic theory to undergird the objectives of their clients, organizational development specialists build a common strategy with which to address the particular needs of organizations and to build a functional relationship, as well as eliminate dysfunctional organizational behaviors.

Examples of transactional analysis in Organizations can be seen in our videos: Conflict Management by George Kohlreiser and Breaking the Communication Barrier by Abe Wagner.